Thursday, October 11

June and September

 June: I joined three thousand local women and ran 5kms for Cancer Research. It was INSANE! The smart ones trained six weeks leading up to the run, but I only got as far as half a mile in practice before collapsing and that was my training done and dusted. But in fairness to me, I got to the finish line in 40 minutes. I sat under a tree, catching my breath with all the colour drained from my cheeks and lips, making vows to never put my body through such stress again. Random women would come up, concerned about my well being, "you alright, love?". Of course I was alright, I just completed my very first and most definite last fun run!

September: This is me and my student card. That's right! I am officially enrolled in an English College studying Makeup and Skin Care.


  1. An English student hey! Does that mean you're extending your stay?

  2. Well done on the fun run! Happy studying. :)

  3. Hi there Jess..congrats on finishing the run...have fun with your new course...I seriously want to begin something new next year. love-love-love to you xx
