Monday, August 20


They call it Mondayitis. After a relaxing weekend socialising, eating naughty (but yummy) food, sleep-ins, late nights and movies, we wake up to find it's stinky Monday. Urban dictionary has Mondayitis summed up in a few small words: weariness, apathy, sadness...distress.
Small, but dagger sharp. Makes me crave a butt kicking Starbucks coffee just thinking of that W. word. Weariness.

When I'm weary, I like to think of apples and pink lemonade. Because if anything is going to lift your spirits, it's those two. Sitting underneath the tree with Snugglepot on my lap and watching the sun play rainbow tricks on a spiderweb...

is truly exhilarating.


  1. Hope you have an energetic week! :)

  2. Love the way you see things Jess...though i Love you more...xxxx

  3. mm, love the way you write. Wish I had a baby to sit under a tree with! haha.
