Sunday, September 2

Paralympics London 2012

We're at the flippin' Olympics!!

Wednesday night I was sitting in my favourite Thai cafe scribbling in my journal when I got a text. Sonja had two day passes for Excel Exhibition Park and did I want to go with her. I ran home in the cold, my scarf flapping behind me and unravelling from around my neck. The front door slammed behind me and I bolted up the stairs. In a few breathless words I told my London parents the exciting news, the only problem was, all this excitement was happening on Friday. And because they're amazing, I got the day off to see London 2012 Olympics. I'll never forget waking before the sun, rushing around my room, heaving my musk jeans up, on my hands and knees trying to find my gold glitter pumps and applying more foundation than usual under my eyes because of lack of blissful sleep. We caught the 6:30am tube in to East London, the sun was streaming through the carriage windows, giving us a little warmth but more blindness. The cold was bitter, turning our poor feet in to ice cubes. But it was worth it, because on arrival we bought lattes and sipped the hot goodness while waiting for Team GB to enter the Volley Ball Arena.
Go Team GB!!!

Table tennis = boring

We stomped our feet and shouted for GBR

Cable Cars

East London

Subway picnic at North Greenwich Arena

The yummiest hot chocolate at a local cafe

Sherlock Slumber party at Sari's place. Best weekend EVER!!
My weekend is over. But before I leave and make ready for a new week, let me share what has happened in the last 48 hours.

I watched SHERLOCK! For the very first time and I am utterly in love!! It's clever, incredible, scary, funny and sexy! We stayed up till 2am eating junk and screaming over the awesomeness of Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Sunday morning we slumped downstairs in our jimmy jams, made hot chocolate and ate Krispy Kremes in front of random Friends episodes. That was my weekend and it was everything happy can be...


  1. Plain jealous of your Sherlock slumber party!
    What a wonderful weekend.

  2. I'm jealous you got to go the the paralympics! Looks like you had a great time. :)
